interprets the variable var
MSPToExpression[var, fmt]
uses the format fmt to interpret var
MSPToExpression[ var, fmt, head]
returns the result wrapped in head
- MSPToExpression is the webMathematica version of ToExpression; it provides the same functionality for turning strings into Mathematica input, but it also carries out a security check.
- You should always use MSPToExpression rather than ToExpression in your code because it provides additional security.
- The following exceptions can be thrown by MSPToExpression.
MSPException["ParseError"] if the value cannot be interpreted by Mathematica MSPException["SecurityError"] if the value does not pass the security test MSPException["ValueError"] if the value is not a string, this indicates a programmatic error by the page author MSPException["NoValueError"] if the variable does not have a value, this indicates a programmatic error by the page author MSPException["VariableError"] if the variable is not a Mathematica symbol, this indicates a programmatic error by the page author
Basic Examples (1)
You can simulate how the function works by installing and loading the package and setting the security content.
Here the variable $$var is assigned to the value "5+7"; note that the value is a string.
When MSPToExpression evaluates, the parsed value of $$var is returned.
If a variable has no value, an MSPException is thrown.
Like ToExpression, MSPToExpression can take a format type for interpretation.
If the input value cannot be interpreted, an MSPException is thrown.
If the input value does not pass the security test, an MSPException is thrown.